Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Fur Brothers

Jared and I have two dogs, Rocky is a 4 year old Boston Terrier and Shiner is a 1 year old Beagle.

Rocky when he was a puppy in June 2007

Shiner when he was a puppy in July 2010

They are the closest thing to kids that we have right now and they are more than we need ;). They are so full of energy and just go-go-go... well at least Shiner go-go-goes, Rocky is getting a little more "old man-ish" in his "old" age. He likes to lay outside and bask in the sun, whereas Shiner likes to be in and out and in and out and in and out of the house all day long never sitting still for too long because he might miss something wherever he is not (if he is inside he is missing what Rocky is doing outside, and if he is outside he is missing what Jared and I might be doing inside). He is so nosy and WAY too smart for his own good! ;)

They are pretty inseparable now, Rocky wasn't too sure about Shiner when we first brought him home. The first weekend after we brought Shiner home we took the boys (the dogs) to the lake house, as you can see below Rocky is not too sure about sharing his toy with Shiner...

I captured a video of them playing together that weekend, and this week is the first time I have gone back and watched it. Being over a year later it is funny to see that Shiner still goes at Rocky the same way, as you watch the video watch how Shiner nips at Rocky's back leg like it is a chicken wing. YUP, he still does that to this day! He will just walk up behind him and grab a hold and start tugging. Rocky is super patient with him and just lets him play, Shiner couldn't have asked for a better bigger brother. Here is the video for your viewing pleasure. (Sorry about the yapping noise, Shiner had a pretty squeaky voice. and YES his is as big as Jared's sandal in the video HAHAHA!!)

They really bonded that weekend and became best friends, I even got a few pictures of them snuggling one afternoon after a long day of playing at the lake. They are just soo cute!

They are such goobers and they keep Jared and I on our toes most days, wondering what silly/funny thing they are going to do next. Here are some pictures of them from the last year and a video.
It doesn't really matter if we buy two toys, one for each of them because Shiner ends up with both of them.

Rocky LOVES snow and last year was Shiner's first experience with it. Rocky will roll around and dig his head into the snow, it makes him a wild man. This video shows Rocky all excited trying to get Shiner to play with him in the snow. Shiner is not too sure about it (sorry about the video quality it was taken from a phone)...

They really love swimming, we have a kiddie pool we bring out for them and they love running through it and then running circles around the backyard.

They love swimming at the lake even more than swimming in the kiddie pool. Now when they see us packing a bag and grabbing the fishing poles they get excited and dance around the front door. Jared will ask "Want to go to Oklahoma?" or "Ready to go to the lake house?" and they will start whining and talking until you open the door and let them go out to the truck.

All for one and one for all

My brother and my friend

What fun we have

The time we share

Brothers 'til the end.

~Author Unknown

I LOVE my Boys!

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Monday, October 3, 2011


Wow so I have been REALLY bad about keeping up to date on my blog so lets see if I can catch you up and stay up to date ;) (Warning: this post might be a little long and have a lot of links to different things). Haha guess at this point I should change my header picture and it should say something like "A story about a girl, her husband and two dogs" now. So Jared and I got another dog (a Beagle named Shiner)
Here he is as a puppy helping me pre-wash the dishes ;). Below is a more recent one of him and Rocky, they are teaching me patience for when we have children especially if we have boys!! They pester each other just like kids like to do, and Shiner likes to bug Rocky just like a little brother!

Jared and I got engaged July 2010, it was a really hot day, we cooked out by the lake and after dinner Jared asked me to dance with him while we were dancing to Wade Bowen "Who I Am" he knelt down and asked me to marry him ;) (awww)! Here is my engagement ring...

Then we were married in April 2011 (April 9th to be exact). Here is our Save The Date.

Here is my full ring set (Jared designed the ring), it was kept a secret from me until the day of the wedding.
Want to see something pretty sad? haha well actually it is pretty amusing... my ring can almost fit inside of Jared's ring (shouldn't be a surprise to those of you that know him, his ring is a size 15!!! and he has a Cowboy's blue ring around the middle of his band). See....

Mom and my sisters and I spent a few months before the wedding, prepping for the wedding. I didn't want the wedding to cost a lot of money and I wanted it to feel very warm and friendly (we had a very casual environment and wanted everything else to be as casual). So we hand made a lot of items for the wedding. Mom did a really good job of blogging about everything we did. If you want to check out the items we made here are a few posts from her blog...
Wedding Projects Begin
Wedding Pinwheels
More Wedding Pinwheels
Wedding Flag Banner

Cake Stand
Wedding Count Down
Wedding Day
More Wedding
This is what my parents/sisters/brother-in-laws did for Jared and I while we were on our Honeymoon: Final Push - Newly Wed Home (Jared and I both teared up when we got home and saw what all everyone had done for us!)

If you want to check out any wedding photo's here are some links to my facebook photo albums (you don't have to have facebook to view them).

Engagement Pics:
All Photos

Edited Photos

Bridal Portraits:
All Photos

Edited Photos

Funny Photos

Wedding Weekend:
Rehearsal Dinner

Wedding Part 1

Wedding Part 2

Well I think that is enough for now... in my next blog I will tell you about our Honeymoon - we took a week to travel around a few places in Texas! ;)

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