Thursday, March 27, 2008

Which Jane Austen Heroine Are You?

Elizabeth Bennet

You are memorable, lovely and clever, the life of the party... you always have the perfect thing to say in every situation. Your honesty, virtue, and lively wit enable you to rise above the nonsense and bad behavior that pervade your money-seeking and often spiteful society. Nevertheless, your sharp tongue and tendency to make hasty judgments often lead you astray... if not careful; you can display qualities that you despise - pride and prejudice. But if you can get past negative first impressions, your life and love story will be epic!!!

** Haven't really read any of her books but I would like to if anyone has some I can borrow.**

Monday, March 24, 2008

Too much WORK not enough PLAY!

My Spring Break flew by WAY too fast! So this week its back to school for me... and what kind of welcome back do I get? OOOOHHHH Midterms!!! UGH!! The only one I'm really nervous about is SQL Server! I think I have about 6 weeks left of school which isn't too bad!
The garage sale went really well this weekend! I don't think we could have asked for better weather!! It was sunny and warm outside, but not too warm! I got a little sun burnt on my face Friday, but Saturday I tried to be good about keeping lotion on. I made pretty good money on the sale, so I'm not complaining!
The only thing I will complain about is that the 3 day weekend went by way too fast! I felt like I spent most of the weekend working instead of being able to enjoy it! Oh well there will always be more weekends! Easter Sunday was fun (I even didn't really mind FREEZING at the sunrise service Sunday morning!)! We all went back to Mom and Dad's after church for breakfast. We all started playing
Wii and Lauren (my niece) was "roasting" us at bowling! It was hilarious! When my player wasn't doing what I wanted her to do Lauren told me that I just needed to get along with her and then she would help me win. Ha ha she is so cute!
Well my roommate stopped by the house Friday to get some more of her stuff to take to her parents house.... she wants to sell her bedroom set on craig's list and while we were talking about it I told her that even though she has moved most of her stuff out and she wasn't sleeping there she still has to pay the bills... I am getting nervous that she is going to skip out on her part of the bills which is REALLY frustrating! I wish they would hurry up and rent the house so I can be done with all of this!!!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Rain Rain GO AWAY!!

UGH!! It has been POURING rain since last night and it's a little depressing!
I should be packing more stuff and getting garage sale stuff together, but this rain is really making it hard to be motivated to do anything! I just hope that it stops raining tomorrow so it dries out by Friday! rain Oh well, it will all work out just fine! Well I think I am going to go to bed now... can't wait to wake up to more rain tomorrow!! ;) goodnight to all!

Rain rain go away,
Come again another day,
All the world is waiting for the sun.
-Breaking Benjamin - Rain

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Frustrated!! :-/

I just feel so frustrated right now with everything at home... I am just ready to get out of here and move on with my life! I want to deal with my problems and MY problems only. I shouldn't have to feel like I am constantly babysitting someone that is old enough to take care of themselves! There is a certain person at work that thinks that I should be the one to stop my roommate and keep her under control and tell her that she is messing up. I have tried to talk to her and she won't talk to me, why should I have to do flips and tricks to get someone that "SAYS" they are your best friend to talk to you about what's going on with them. I should not of had to call her dad to try to find her when she went missing! She wouldn't answer her phone or texts when I tried to call and that really hurt, then to find out that she told our neighbor "well I know people are looking for me but I'm not replying to anyone!" WTF!!!! How can you do that to your friends? That is so freaking GAY and messed up!!

And what really burns me is that she comes home and acts like nothing happened, that her actions had NO affect on anyone around her! She really hurt me and I know that I am supposed to turn the other cheek, but how am I supposed to just let it go and open my heart to her again just to turn around and run out?!? I don't understand girls and thats why I don't trust them! A girlfriend is supposed to be there for you and your supposed to be able to tell them anything... I don't want anyone to have that kind of hold over me, where they know so much personal stuff that they can just turn around and use it against me! I just CAN'T trust a female like that unless its one of my sisters! Maybe one day I will find a girl that I can trust, but until then I will keep guarding my heart towards girls!

Well I think I have vented enough for now... until next time!

Cleaning and Packing

I spent my day today cleaning the house and starting to pack stuff up. I LOVE the house I am in, but the roommate situation is no good and I can't afford it myself. But after going apartment hunting yesterday I am actually getting excited about moving (not necessarily to an apartment, just a change of scenery)! I looked at a couple different apartments here in town and there was one that I found that is awesome!! All I need to do now is take my application back up there with all the fee's that go with it, since I don't know if the house will rent before May 31st I can't give them an exact move in date. But if I am approved and I put my deposit down they will hold an apartment for me.

I guess I should back up a little and tell you why I am moving... my roommate lost her job, so she started working part time at a job she had before. I got her a temp. job at my work, once they didn't need her anymore they let her go and she was going to start working full time for the other company. WELL something happened or fell apart or something, but she disappeared for like a week, and when she finally started showing up again she would come home long enough to take a shower grab some clothes then leave again. She bounced TWO rent checks and she wasn't working that I know of. Plus one of her friends said that she started experimenting with drugs. So needless to say things were kind of weird around here. Well now the guy she was hanging out with pretty much ditched her so she is around the house more, but she locks herself up in her room! WHATEVER!! So now she doesn't really have the means to live here and like I said before I can't afford to live here by myself.

My landlord was nice enough to in a way let us get out of our lease early. She is going to put the house up for rent and if it rents before our lease is up then no penalty on us, but we do have to honor the lease till May 31st at the latest. I just hope that my roommate can keep up her half of the bills till then.Hopefully this week I will get my tax return so I can take it and put it towards the new place :)!!!

So why am I cleaning and packing now you ask? Well, the house needs to be clean so the landlord can show it. And instead of cleaning around things, I might as well pack away the things I won't need in the next couple of months. Also, I am planning on having a garage sale next weekend so if I start sorting through things now I will find more stuff to put in the garage sale! I hope to make some good money on my garage sale! It feels good going through stuff that you haven't really touched in a year or so. This time around (moving) I am getting rid of anything that I haven't really looked at in a year. I'm trying not to hold on to all this clutter that I do, since I am down sizing I really don't have space for clutter!

It's kind of frustrating knowing that you worked your a$$ off today cleaning and getting things in order for my landlord to start showing the house, and my roommate who told me that she would be home today to clean her room and bathroom WASN'T!! She came home around 11 and then left again and then came home and slept all afternoon then woke up and left again and then came back and then left for good! As she was walking out the door she said that she was going to clean tomorrow, but her idea of cleaning is putting everything in garbage bags and taking it to her parents!?! Oh well as long as its off the floor and her room looks nice!

I had more written, but I don't want to look like I am writing a book so I cut it out to make another blog out of it...

Friday, March 14, 2008

It's all about ME!!

emilyWell lets see... I currently have a GREAT job that I LOVE! Some days are a little more stressful than others, but you have to take the good with the bad, and I feel like I am lucky to have my job! What is this great job I speak of... I am a Support Analyst which is a fancy term for saying "I am the handheld guru for my department and help people out in the field with their handheld issues" (I don't know how comfortable I feel putting a bunch of person information out on the web so I will leave out what company I work for, those of you that know me already know where I work so no need to remind you! ha ha) One of my new most favorite people in the world from Suffolk County, New York has nicknamed me PRINCESS (not b/c I am snobby or anything like that) so I have become known as the Princess of Handhelds!
I am also a FULL - TIME student (and this semester by full time I mean taking 15 HOURS (5 classes) full time!!!) working towards my Computer Information Technologies degree! I take most of my classes online so I can work full time, this semester however I do have one night class on Thursday nights from 7-9:40! So pretty much I wake up, go to work, come home do homework or go to class, then go to bed. On weekends most of the time I am working on homework... Sometimes I feel burnt out on school, but I know in the end when I am done I will feel so good about sticking with it!
Why am I still in college when I graduated 5 years ago (man that's scary to think about!!) you ask? WELL... I have changed my major about 4 times now, lets see first it was Play Therapist, then it was Interior Decorator, then Nursing, then Elementary Education, and now it is CIT. So I have about 43 credit hours that don't count towards
JaCk! So my advice to any high school seniors out there.... take your basics the first year and maybe second year of college, but PLEASE be actively researching what you want to do! I spoke to a friend the other day that I hadn't talked to in about a year... he asked how things were going and I gave my standard answer "oh good just you know work and school!" his comment back (which really hit me that I need to hurry up and get done) was "School?? What are you, on the 7 year plan?" - Its a pretty funny comment, but I need to be more motivated to finish! But it also doesn't help that I have taken a couple of semesters off here and there.
I guess now I should tell you a little more about my personal life... I moved out of my parent's house about a year ago almost (nothing bad happened, no falling out or anything like that it was just time for me to "spread my wing little birdie" as my mother is fond of saying) and I love it! I do have a roommate at the moment but that is soon about to change (I will have to write about that in another post)!
And my adorable child is the love of my life... before you start thinking anything
BAD... I'm talking about my Boston Terrier - Rockstar (A.K.A. Rocky)!

He is so full of personality, me laughing so hard all the time. And his AtTiTuDe!! Man he is not afraid to give you some tude! He will be a year old in April, he knows how to sit, shake, lay, give high fives, kennel, and kind of roll over... we are still working on getting ALL the way over on rollover and we are working on here! He LOVES playing with his toys and he loves forcing you to play with them as well! He has a bed time and if you stay up past his bed time he will go to bed without you! Or if he stays up too late he will try to stay in bed under the covers as long as possible (lazy bum!) and he loves to "huff" at you if you aren't doing what he wants you to do or thinks you should be doing, or if you are trying to get him to do something he REALLY doesn't want to do!

Well I think I have written enough for now, I will post more later...

Getting Started

Life is kind of CrAzY right now, but hopefully this weekend I will have more time to write some stuff. So check back soon and often!